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Our Partners


In 2010 we became part of a national consortium of 64 organisations, led by StreetGames who secured a grant from the Sport England Active Women themed funding round. The US Girls programme aimed to bring about a dramatic impact on young women's (aged 16 to 25) sports participation in the most disadvantaged areas of England.

US Girls aimed to get 30,000 young women living in disadvantaged communities more active by boosting opportunities for them to play sport within their local communities.

The programme aimed to increase participation and sustain participation creating an infrastructure of new coaches, volunteers, role models, peer champions, qualifications, clubs and events all designed to meet the needs of young women aged 16-25 living in deprived areas.


The Women’s Coaching Communities programme was a free scheme aimed at providing local women with the opportunity to develop a career in sport coaching and volunteering.

What was delivered:

  • Training through accredited workshops
  • A recognised Level 2 coaching qualification in the sport of your choice such as: Basketball, Netball, Football, DodgeBall, Badminton
  • Voluntary placement at a club or organisation of your choice
  • Opportunities to enhance your skills and knowledge
  • Support and guidance by experienced and knowledgeable staff


We trained over 80 Local people providing coaching for their community providing women with the opportunity to become coaches and increase the percentage of women coaches.