As part of our contract with England Handball, we assisted them to develop the 1st4Sport level 2 certificate in coaching handball (QCF), specifically providing support with learning programme development and an appropriately qualified workforce.
Numerous support sessions where held to ensure qualification standards were being met as well as developing an engaging learning programme. The workforce undertook both accredited and non accredited training in form the form of the 1st4Sport Level 3 Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector, the 1st4Sport Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment and non accredited assessor training mapped to national standards. We supported delivery of a pilot in with the workforce to gain feedback and shape the qualification prior to launch.
The 1st4Sport Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Handball course made its debut in London. The course saw 14 learners go through the learning programme and we managed the administration and quality assurance of the qualification.