We are commissioned in June 2009 to project manage the 5 x 30 Time to Get Active Programme funded by the Working Neighbourhoods Fund (WNF) through Sandwell MBC. Kath Robinson led the management of the YDA and OBR elements of the programme whilst Simon Kirkland led the Gifted and Talented element, supported by Becky McGrath.
The Time to Get Active funding was made available to a total of 30 projects after short-listing process. These include projects at primary and secondary schools, Sure Start centres, sports clubs and voluntary/community organisations. The main aim of the funding was to increase young people/adult participation in sport and physical activity. We were responsible for monitoring the outputs and spend of delivery agencies, conducting site checks, assessing applications and ensuring that minimum standards were evidenced by all agencies.
All projects created a physical activity culture within their communities, enhancing cohesion and accessibility to sport and physical activity. The annual report can be viewed by clicking on the article to the left of the page.