HAPPY was a multi-agency funded programme providing activities during school holiday time for young people ‘at risk’. The programme was focused around tackling key local issues such as neighbourhood renewal, crime reduction, educational attainment & community cohesion. The programme focused on delivering positive diversionary activities within 4 areas: sport, art, outdoor pursuits & trips. The programme was delivered by the Sandwell Youth, Community & Play Service in partnership with the connexions service. Sport Structures Ltd provided the programme with management and a full-time co-ordinator. Sport Structures Ltd have played a key role in ensuring that the multi-agency partnerships have stayed positive, focused & were all working towards the same common goals. Another role for Sport Structures within the programme was the development of the voluntary sector to be able to deliver elements of the programme-our main work within this area is focused on the development of voluntary sports clubs.
To support the town delivery teams and provide central support and coordination to the holiday programme aimed at disadvantaged young people as part of the PAYP programme. Sport Structures provided a full evaluation process from the activities reviewing the systems, young people’s attitudes, numbers and effectiveness of the programme. We utilised our mapping software & reporting expertise to provide extensive detail and providing regular reports that with responsive feedback. This feedback allowed the programme to become more focused during the planning phase so we could clearly identify the areas in which the programme was underperforming in order to ensure that the programme achieved key funding targets.
The programme has currently been running for over two years. There have been a number of successes during this period of time which include:
- Over 1500 young people per year engaging in the programme
- Over 2000 activities delivered
- Funding retained & increased over the last two years
- Successful multi-agency working
- Clubs worked with have achieved/are working towards clubmark accreditation through the support given to them
- Over 150 young people accredited through the programme