Sport and recreation facilities are essential for participation in a wide variety of sports and for the general promotion of health and wellbeing. This review builds on the findings of the 2009 study of Open Space, Sport, Recreation Facilities and Green Infrastructure in Rutland. The review considers the quantity, quality, accessibility and adaptability of provision, but most importantly, it considers the local needs of the population and the potential demands that may be placed on provision as the population grows.
The review includes an audit and assessment of all outdoor spaces that are available for both formal and informal participation in sport and recreational activity across the county. We used a verification process to establish the level of valid data from the 2009 study and conducted an additional audit of facilities that had seen a change of use or were newly developed. The audit included a review of the main attributes of the facility and management interviews with senior staff to establish current opening times, programmed and user information. A consultation process was undertaken with key informants including local authority officers, education leads and voluntary sports clubs. The consultation focused on usage, attitudes, expectation and constraints.
The findings of the Indoor and Outdoor Sports Facilities review have been used to inform discussions with developers regarding section 106 agreements. The evidence of demand from the report can justify the requirements for facilities to support ongoing community use. Rutland County Council hope to use the findings of the report to support the development of specialized facilities for a number of successful clubs.