We were commissioned by the University of Birmingham to support with the information gathering process which would inform a new University of Birmingham Sport strategy. Findings were used to reposition sport and fitness in terms of the value they add, and the findings also helped demonstrate the power University of Birmingham Sport has for meeting students’ fitness and sports requirements.
Integral to this work was a comprehensive consultation process to ensure the landscape was accurately reviewed. Consultation took place over two months and included the following elements:
- Online surveys – Two online surveys were carried out, one with students and one with alumni. Each survey was open for two weeks to allow time for completion.
- Focus groups – Six focus groups were run to engage with those participating in sport. The groups were held on campus (away from the sports centre itself) at the University of Birmingham.
- Telephone interviews – These strengthened the findings from the focus groups. Telephone interviews were conducted to extend discussions initiated at focus groups, or to capture the views of key stakeholders who were unable to attend.
The report and recommendations were presented to the senior management team at University of Birmingham Sport, who utilised the findings to develop their sport and fitness strategy. Following on from this work, University of Birmingham Sport released their new sport and fitness strategy which provided a vision for sport for the very first time.