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The Last Quarter…

The last quarter has been very enjoyable yet a busy period across the company. Our three main service areas (education, apprenticeships and sport business) have all been involved in exciting work.  


Over the past three months, we have trained over 100 learners to become multi- skills coaches and activators nationally. These coaches and activators are currently operating in range of environments from schools to local community group settings. We were also delighted to run a full 1st4Sport Level 3 Certificate in Coaching Basketball to learners in Cardiff. The learners are now in the process of completing their portfolio tasks to become ready for assessment.

Working in conjunction with UK Coaching, we held a Safeguarding orientation for aspiring tutors and we were delighted to see that former England Netball captain Ama Agbeze attended our most recent safeguarding workshop in Birmingham. Continuing to support coach developers, we also held tutor and assessor courses at our offices which were attended by individuals from a variety of sports. Lastly, we were so pleased to see that the Level 2 Certificate in Korfball held in Manchester last month was full.  


Our apprenticeship programmes continue to be a success and in the last quarter we have recruited a new member of staff, Tom Holmes, to support this area of our business. We’ve had 82 apprentices in learning with 11 apprentices completing and 7 of these continuing onto full-time employment. It was excellent to see both our business administrator apprentices achieve distinctions in their end point assessments. We’ve also been busy meeting with Active Partnerships around the country to support them and their local delivery partners to better understand how apprenticeships can support their organisations.  

Sport Business

Over the past quarter Sport Business have been working around-the-clock to ensure that all our work is completed to the highest standard. Over the past quarter we have completed the delivery of two projects, one for British Taekwondo and one for EMD UK. The team have been working on six other projects that are still underway are eager to deliver the best possible results for our clients. They are working on:

  • 2 Research and insight projects
  • 2 Workforce development projects
  • 2 Embedded services projects

In addition, Sport Business have secured four new clients, CSW Sport (a social prescribing project), Women in Sport, British Orienteering and Cycling Ireland, we cant wait to get started so watch this space!

Club Matters

Despite Club Matters not being one of our three core services the team have been very busy and have delivered 18 Club Matters workshops across the country to over 283 learners this past quarter. As a company we pride ourselves on customer satisfaction, with 71% of learners being satisfied with the workshops offered.

Furthermore 90% of the course organisers also expressed their positive experience with the Club Matters workshops and Sport Structures as a company overall. In addition to this on June 13th we hosted a Club Matters Developing Your Workforce conference at Villa Park to 52 delegates, this was a great opportunity to connect with current Clubmark clients but also shed some light on the other work that we do.

Overall, we would like to say a big thank you to all our customers and clients who we have engaged with over the last three months.