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Following on from our recent multi – skills activator training success we were approached by Age UK to further develop there training in order to ensure the continual professional development of volunteers.

To begin with we consulted past and present volunteers through an online survey and through face to face interviews. From the feedback we identified that volunteers wanted further training on chair based activities, ball and indoor games as well as balance, strength, flexibility and body weight exercises.

Based on the feedback we received we went on to develop a six hour practical workshop focusing on relevant activities. The workshop included fundamental principles such as differentiation and preparing for delivery and inclusion. Following on from the workshop we were able to provide feedback and signpost the volunteers to other resources which would allow them to further develop their skills.

Upon completion of the workshop we received extremely positive feedback with 50% of participants rating the workshop “excellent” with the remaining 50% rating the workshop “good” , this is an extremely positive increase in feedback in comparison to the original workshop.

We thoroughly enjoyed developing the workshop and are delighted that it has provided volunteers with appropriate tools to support their delivery in the future.

You can find out more on our work with Age UK here.