Jo Pilgrim:

Coaches Who Shape Lives: Unveiling the Influence of Positive Coaching

I’ve struggled to start this blog… is this an opinion piece, a self-reflection piece, or an education piece. W…

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Simon Kirkland:

Let them play and put the “F” back into coaching

It is sad in a way that we must have a national campaign to focus on putting the child first in coaching. This…

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Lucy Wallbank & Richard Dando:

Shining the Spotlight on Volunteers: Celebrating, Supporting, and Inspiring Change-Makers.

Have you ever wondered what makes volunteers so special, or perhaps what drives volunteers to give up their t…

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Simon Kirkland | Lucy Wallbank:

People Plans and Pathways: Navigating the Meaning of ‘People’

People, people everywhere. But what does the word ‘people’ mean?

The drive, rightly, for funded organisations …

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Mark Knight:

Unlocking Coaching Potential: How Mentors can make or Break a Coaches Journey

Close your eyes and visualise the typical volunteer coach in your sport. They might have a bat and/or ball und…

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Abhishek Sudhakar :

Winning with Workforce Planning: Utilising Data and Insight in Sport

Sport, as we know it, is constantly evolving, with organisations increasingly seeking new ways to improve thei…

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Lucy Wallbank:

Introducing our new charity partner, The Richard Whitehead Foundation.

Sport Structures are thrilled to announce its partnership with The Richard Whitehead Foundation, a UK-based ch…

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Richard Dando:

The Unsung Heroes of Sport: Volunteers and People Plans

The sport sector across the UK is committed to maintaining and increasing the number of people from all commun…

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