
Midlands cohort start their multi-skills qualification journey

This month,  we have started delivery of the multi-skills development in sport qualification through a blended…

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New Partnership with British Wrestling

We are delighted to have entered into partnership with British Wrestling to support them in streamlining the c…

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Coming soon – Level 3 Certificate in Supporting the Delivery of Physical Education and School Sport

We are pleased to share details of our next 1st4Sport Level 3 Certificate in Supporting the Delivery of Physic…

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New Online learning partnerships with NGBs

In addition to our long standing partnership with basketball England we are delighted to have entered into par…

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New multi-skills qualification format

Physical literacy cannot be undervalued and supports children to gain the skills and confidence to be active f…

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Apprenticeships develop skills of Norwich City Community Sport Foundation valued workforce

We have been working in partnership with Norwich City Community Sport Foundation for a number of years to supp…

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Working with Basketball England to support coaches through Covid-19

Basketball England and Sport Structures pledge to support the learning and development of Basketball coaches t…

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Multi-Skills Coaching Consultation

As an organisation committed to developing people and organisations in sport, we are trying to understand the …

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