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Sport Structures - Sport Education and Training

Use your own Qualified Workforce

Your Workforce



Rather than using Sport Structures’ workforce, suitably experienced and trained individuals within an organisation can be the tutor and assessor for courses that you would like to run for your learners. This provides an organisation with the flexibility to plan courses around the availability of your workforce, as well as tutors and assessors having organisational and local knowledge to support delivery.

Coach teaching Baseball


Any individuals looking to tutor and/or assess a course will need:

  • Tutoring and assessing qualifications
  • Evidence of safeguarding training
  • Relevant and current experience in the sport they wish to tutor/assess in
  • Evidence of ongoing CPD
  • Attend a workforce orientation for the course(s) they wish to tutor/assess
  • To produce a delivery plan and all required resources, e.g. PowerPoints.
Volunteers supporting a disabled participant


To run a course, you will need:

  • A suitable venue with any equipment required
  • To confirm with us the dates and times of the course with us in advance
  • To confirm the names of the workforce tutoring and assessing the course
  • To confirm learner details ahead of the start date of the course


  • Decide course dates that best suit your learners around their other commitments
  • Run a course at a venue that your learners are already familiar with
  • Embed new education, training and CPD opportunities into existing work or learning programmes
  • Create an annual plan of courses based on your workforce availability
  • Provide a CPD pathway for workforce with suitable experience to become tutors and assessors
Case Study
Norwich City CSF Logo

We have worked with Norwich City Community Sport Foundation in the delivery of courses where we are the recognised centre and we deliver with NCCSF staff