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Health and Safety


Everyone has the right to work and study in a place they feel safe, where risks to health and safety are properly controlled. We are committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for everyone that uses our facilities.

What We Will Do:
Provide and maintain a healthy and safe learning environment
Comply with all relevant legislation e.g. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Promote good health and safety practices and raise awareness of risk
Investigate and record any injuries, accidents or dangerous occurrences and implement preventative action if required
Conduct a Health and Safety Review with your employer to ensure you are working in a healthy and safe environment.

Whilst we have a responsibility for your welfare, you also have a responsibility for your own health and safety.

What We Ask Of You:
Take reasonable care of your own and other people’s health and safety
Follow all health and safety rules and regulations set
Respect all equipment and use only as trained to do so for their intended purpose
Use of correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Make sure you are aware of all safety procedures in the unlikely event of a fire or an accident
Report any incidents or potential hazards to a member of staff immediately.

If you have an accident whilst on our premises you should report this to a member of staff immediately who will raise the issue with the first aid representative. All accidents and emergencies should be recorded and reported under RIDDOR if required.

If you are worried about health and safety in your workplace, talk to your employer, supervisor, health and safety representative, or Tutor/Assessor.