We have built a strong reputation for delivering high quality apprenticeships in the coaching and sports development sectors which a key focus on meeting the needs of our employers. Through conversations with sports organisations it was becoming clear that they wanted to understand how apprenticeships could support other areas of their business, as opposed to just the delivery side. With this in mind, we conducted some market research in 2016 to understand if there was a need for other apprenticeships. The conclusion was that there was a need for internal business functions, with the key request being related to digital marketing and social media support....
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We developed the content and learning materials for the Digital Marketer standard, building on the experience and knowledge we held internally and through the commercial social media training we had previously delivered. We gained centre approval following a due diligence process from the British Computer Society to ensure we could delivery industry recognised qualifications as part of the apprenticeship as well as sourcing suitable workforce for delivery....
Our first cohort of learners started on the standard in 2017 and included learners employed at a host of sport organisations including: National Governing Bodies, an Active Partnership, a Premier League Football Foundation, and a County FA. The apprenticeship training included monthly face-to-face sessions, webinars and other interactive approaches to teaching which developed the knowledge and skills to incorporate this learning into their job roles and tasks. The apprentices developed their marketing, digital marketing and coding skills and gained industry recognised qualifications. In addition, a guest speaker from the digital marketing sector was included in the delivery plan to give the employers and apprentices further advice and information. This in-depth learning programme enabled the apprentices to improve the quality of digital marketing within their organisations....
With great success stories from the apprentices and a positive external quality assurance visit, our programme is well set to support sports organisations by having a real impact and allowing them to continue to provide high-quality sports provision and meet their objectives. From this project the key outcome we learnt was that sports organisations are increasingly in need of training for their off-pitch generic offer, to support the development of the sport. As a result of the findings and the success of our first cohort we have now expanded and are running multiple digital marketer cohorts....