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About Us

Through our Coaching Communities programme, a number of the learners attending the programme wanted to become Handball coaches but there were a lack of courses in the area to access. In order to maintain interest and enthusiasm of the coaches, we hosted a course working with England Handball which was successfully delivered. Following a positive relationship with the National Governing Body (NGB) this led to us offering an outsourced education administration service to support the growth of the coach education programme for the first time,. At the time, the NGB consisted of two part-time members of staff....

As Handball is an Olympic sport, we identified that there may be a demand for Handball in the years leading up to and beyond the Olympics in 2012. With this in mind, we took a proactive approach to organising Handball courses in 2009. In the previous year, the NGB had delivered 23 level one coaching courses nationally. In the first year of delivery, we coordinated 32 courses (an increase of 39%) and in 2012, 123 courses were delivered to coincide with the London Olympic games. We were delighted to pay a royalty in excess of £35,000 back to the governing body to further support and growth. This phenomenal growth was delivered through a mixture of sound administration, targeted marketing and the effective use of social media....

In working with England Handball, we also provided coach developer training, standardisation and orientations to support the workforce. Following on from this, we worked with Handball to develop the 1st4Sport Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Handball which was the first ever course by the NGB to appear on a qualification’s framework. In working with the key staff and a focus group of active coaches, we developed a learning programme, specific tasks in relation to the level two qualification standards and also the assessment criteria for the qualification. Furthermore, we provided quality assurance to support the delivery of the course and the workforce....

As a result of our work this led to the development and delivery of both the Level 1 and 2 courses, furthermore this led to the development of coaching across the sport. Not only that but this also led to a new income stream becoming established for the governing body. As a result of our work on this project this has enabled us to work with a number of organisations over the last 8-10 years. With our expertise in workforce development, this has provided added value and in all cases, has supported the development of the coach education offer for organisation we have worked with....