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About Us

We were successful in winning the development of a sport and physical activity strategy for Boston Borough Council. At the time Boston was the lowest performing local authority in the active people survey and had exceptionally high levels of adult obesity. As part of our tender provision we were able to undertake research and assess the make-up of facilities in the borough, which enabled us to identify physical activity and sporting interventions that would change behaviour and habits within the community forever. We took an imaginative approach to the research; this involved delivering focus groups within a range of communities as well as wider market research. These communities were clearly not seeking to undertake physical activity; the borough had a ‘car driving culture’ and public transport appeared to be disconnected with the leisure facilities themselves. We therefore identified a few interventions which involved physical and sporting activity....

In addition to these interventions, we influenced public transport through modifications to routes and timings, this was coupled with campaigns that encouraged parents to walk to school with children more often. Through a playing pitch strategy and defining the change in use of several facilities we saw an increase in physical activity as an outcome of this project due to facility stock being improved. When we returned to Boston three years later, we noticed that Boston was the fastest rising local authority in the active people scores and there was a significant change in adult obesity. Following on from this project we’ve gone on to develop and provide a range of strategies for governing bodies and other sporting organisations to support them in developing a number of interventions that positively influence sports participation....

As a result of our work on this project this has led to the a radical transformation opportunity through implementing decisive interventions. Furthermore following on form our work on this project this has led to use securing more strategy work with governing bodies and national sports organisations....